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On January 8, in the overall image planning and visual landing of the leading show, a tasting feast integrating red wine, art and culture was opened. Huiyuan Group held a "taste of time" - Medoc / Huiyuan tasting night event in Huiyuan nonggu, Miyun. At the scene, more than a thousand guests attended the appraisal activity, including cultural exchange envoys between China and France, famous entrepreneurs, artists, wine lovers, etc.
At the tasting, the guests visited the beautiful Miyun Huiyuan nonggu, understood the development process of Huiyuan Group since its establishment in 1992, and tasted the medium-class wines from Medoc, Bordeaux, France. Tasting red wine, appreciating art, exchanging culture Huiyuan brings guests a visual and taste feast integrating "beautiful painting, wine and food" through this tasting activity, and interprets Huiyuan's story with the taste of time.
In this grand and unprecedented tasting, the leader cooperated with Huiyuan Group to perform the theme activities in a wonderful visual interpretation, so that the tasting can achieve the sublimation of art, and the whole tasting scene of that night will shine!
On January 8, in the overall image planning and visual landing of the leading show, a tasting feast integrating red wine, art and culture was opened. Huiyuan Group held a "taste of time" - Medoc / Huiyuan tasting night event in Huiyuan nonggu, Miyun. At the scene, more than a thousand guests attended the appraisal activity, including cultural exchange envoys between China and France, famous entrepreneurs, artists, wine lovers, etc.
At the tasting, the guests visited the beautiful Miyun Huiyuan nonggu, understood the development process of Huiyuan Group since its establishment in 1992, and tasted the medium-class wines from Medoc, Bordeaux, France. Tasting red wine, appreciating art, exchanging culture Huiyuan brings guests a visual and taste feast integrating "beautiful painting, wine and food" through this tasting activity, and interprets Huiyuan's story with the taste of time.
In this grand and unprecedented tasting, the leader cooperated with Huiyuan Group to perform the theme activities in a wonderful visual interpretation, so that the tasting can achieve the sublimation of art, and the whole tasting scene of that night will shine!