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晨晖原浆源自鄱湖晨晖农场,采用优质大米,以传统工艺酝酿而成,农场聘请当地具有几十年传统酿造工艺经验的酿酒老师傅,坚持用传统工艺酿酒。包装设计运用传统菜篮子及当地传统蓑衣元素,隐喻传统工艺、古法酿造, 体现天然古朴、历久弥香的产品价值。
The 2020 cross strait agricultural culture and innovation cloud Summit Forum and the award ceremony of the second "Lishui mountain farming Award" agricultural cultural and creative competition were held in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province on November 5. 704 works from the cross-strait agricultural cultural and entrepreneurial circles signed up for five awards in two categories. The works fully show the trend of the times and cultural confidence. Famous experts and scholars in the Agricultural Cultural and creative circles across the Taiwan Strait are passionate about Agricultural Cultural Innovation and rural future.
Lishui mountain farming award is known as the "Oscar" of Agricultural Cultural and creative design on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Chenhui original pulp designed by leader show won the excellent award of Lishui mountain farming agricultural cultural innovation competition.
Chenhui original pulp is originated from Chenhui farm of Pohu lake. It is brewed with high-quality rice by traditional technology. The farm employs local brewing masters with decades of experience in traditional brewing technology to make wine with traditional technology. The packaging design uses traditional vegetable basket and local traditional coir raincoat elements to metaphor the traditional technology and ancient brewing method, reflecting the product value of natural simplicity and lasting fragrance.
Guided by the card China agricultural brand research center of Zhejiang University and sponsored by the green development regional cooperation alliance of longevity town, this activity is sponsored by packaging & Design magazine, Taiwan art creation culture foundation, Taiwan Packaging Design Association, Taiwan Kaohsiung Cultural Design Development Association, Tainan Art Design Association, China Agricultural Tourism Cultural Innovation Integration Development Association and Lishui mountain farming Co organized by brand study association.
晨晖原浆源自鄱湖晨晖农场,采用优质大米,以传统工艺酝酿而成,农场聘请当地具有几十年传统酿造工艺经验的酿酒老师傅,坚持用传统工艺酿酒。包装设计运用传统菜篮子及当地传统蓑衣元素,隐喻传统工艺、古法酿造, 体现天然古朴、历久弥香的产品价值。
The 2020 cross strait agricultural culture and innovation cloud Summit Forum and the award ceremony of the second "Lishui mountain farming Award" agricultural cultural and creative competition were held in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province on November 5. 704 works from the cross-strait agricultural cultural and entrepreneurial circles signed up for five awards in two categories. The works fully show the trend of the times and cultural confidence. Famous experts and scholars in the Agricultural Cultural and creative circles across the Taiwan Strait are passionate about Agricultural Cultural Innovation and rural future.
Lishui mountain farming award is known as the "Oscar" of Agricultural Cultural and creative design on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Chenhui original pulp designed by leader show won the excellent award of Lishui mountain farming agricultural cultural innovation competition.
Chenhui original pulp is originated from Chenhui farm of Pohu lake. It is brewed with high-quality rice by traditional technology. The farm employs local brewing masters with decades of experience in traditional brewing technology to make wine with traditional technology. The packaging design uses traditional vegetable basket and local traditional coir raincoat elements to metaphor the traditional technology and ancient brewing method, reflecting the product value of natural simplicity and lasting fragrance.
Guided by the card China agricultural brand research center of Zhejiang University and sponsored by the green development regional cooperation alliance of longevity town, this activity is sponsored by packaging & Design magazine, Taiwan art creation culture foundation, Taiwan Packaging Design Association, Taiwan Kaohsiung Cultural Design Development Association, Tainan Art Design Association, China Agricultural Tourism Cultural Innovation Integration Development Association and Lishui mountain farming Co organized by brand study association.